NAMIC-Virginia News

NAMIC – Virginia Women’s History Month Spotlight: Renee Gray

Renee Gray started Cox in 2011 as a Technical Support Specialist. She later moved to the Social Media department, where she spent 4 years. In her current role, she is an Engineering Support Specialist. Renee has been a member both WICT and NAMIC – Virginia for the past 4 years, and member of the ID&E council for 3. As part of the supply pillar for the ID&E council, Gray played a critical role in the implementation and execution of the SBLA (Small Business Leadership Academy) – a partnership with ODU and Cox Communications. She belongs to various ERG’s including Empow[her] and consistently volunteers in several communities across the Hampton Roads area. She is especially active in Back-to-School drives with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, For Kids Toy Drive, feeding the homeless at the Judeo-Christian Outreach center and sharing “blessing bags” with NAMIC-Virginia and the Veterans Home Front among other charity efforts.

When asked what Women’s History Month means to her, Renee shared, “ To me, Women’s History month is an opportunity to celebrate girls and women all over the world. This month enables us to honor those who have been at the forefront of the fight against gender discrimination and inequalities in legal, civil, and human rights. It also brings awareness by acknowledging/honoring those who lost their freedom and/or lives while doing so. WHM also serves as a reminder that we need to increase our efforts and provide action to help empower women everywhere; especially in areas of the world where women don’t have control over their own lives. Although we’ve had some amazing women to open doors for us, I think we, as a country, still have a way to go for gender equality.”.

Thanks, Renee, for stepping into the spotlight for Women’s History Month!

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    / 2022 NAMIC-Virginia