In Karen Richardson’s 20 years at Cox Communications, she has worn many hats. Initially hired as a temporary representative, she later moved into Account Services, Technical Support, their Regional Operations Center (ROC), Customer Advocate Group (CAG). Her current role is as a Social Media Specialist protecting the brand of the company. During that time she has spent 4 years on the Cox ID&E Council (including 1 year as Co-Lead of the People Pillar) within the group. While she’s been a member of NAMIC-Virginia since its inception, Karen is now part of the NAMIC -Virginia Membership Recruiting Committee for the past year. Richardson is a 3 year member of the Cox Charities Council, a WICT member, as well as on the rolls of several ERGs. She accomplished all of this while she obtained her associate degree in Social Sciences and Bachelors in HR Management graduating magna cum laude. Karen is also pursuing her Masters.
Richardson has been known to volunteer with the Foodbank of Southeastern VA and Girls Who Code. She also makes regular donations to Domestic Violence shelters.
In Karen’s spare time she enjoys good food with family and friends, gaming, concerts, and festivals.
When asked what Women’s History Month means to her, Karen shared: Women’s History Month to me symbolizes how far we as women have come from not having the right to vote, not having a career, a voice in the household, etc. All women that came before me have paved the way and opened so many doors that has provided me with great opportunities that I may have not been allowed otherwise. So, to me it means celebrating all women and uplifting us all with praise. Women rock and without us there would be no them :-)!
Thanks, Karen, for stepping into the spotlight for Women’s History Month!