NAMIC-Virginia News

Make Money Moves (Part 3 of our Web Series)

Aileen Anonas, Senior Partner, World Financial Group, joined us to complete our web series on the six steps to financial independence. Aileen shared her mission to help people from all walks of life build a better future. We reviewed the first four steps from prior sessions including cash flow, emergency funds, debt management and proper protection for our income and assets. In today’s session, Aileen focused on strategies to build and preserve wealth. Participants learned the four disciplines that promote wealth building and the four threats every wealth builder must conquer. Aileen spoke to the rule of 72 and shared high level tax strategies that promote long term financial sustainability. We also gained a better understanding of the four documents every estate should have. Make sure to follow NAMIC-Virginia on social media and check out our events page for upcoming opportunities to participate in any of our virtual events!

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    / 2022 NAMIC-Virginia